Friday, July 25, 2008

The necessities - Hot water and McDonalds

We just recently heard back from Janette, Jeff, Davey and Meagan. They are now in Keiv and are staying in a nicer apartment with running HOT water. Janette said that it is nice and you don't feel like you are camping out like in Kotosvk. They have even found a McDonald's... the children are thrilled!

Their interperter had to leave them for 2 or 3 days so they are alone as a family and having a good time. They have been sightseeing and taking a lot of pictures.

The twins are now Perry's and they are just trying to obtain their passports for the return to the United States. Katia and Maya only know a few words but are able to understand easier than they can speak the language. They seem very happy.

Janette says hi to all those who are following the blog and she will get information to you soon.

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